Certification braindumps will get you de-certified if you are caught. That is the main point to understand. What they are exactly, are stolen exam questions and answers. They get stolen by someone memorizing the material or they get stolen electronically or even captured by small device such as a cell phone with a built in camera (that's one of the reasons you aren't allowed to take your phone with you in the exam) and then sold. You can find these on websites (which I won't name because I don't want you going there. Action is already been taken to close them down).
Basically braindumps don't help out those that work in the IT industry. They only help the companies selling them by making them money. Not having the knowledge with the cert devaluates the cert for everyone.
In 2006 Microsoft went after companies selling these and won. And guess what these companies had to do? Hand over their list of 'customers'. Getting de-certified and banned from taking certifications for the rest of your life is not something that is only a myth. It actually happens.
But other than that, how do they know who cheated?
Vendors must protect their certifications, whether its Microsoft, Cisco or whoever. Getting caught cheating isn't only about getting caught 'red handed'. They have a team of forensic scientists that specialize in exams and education.
Then how can you buy practice exams which won't land you in hot water?
Become familiar with CertGuard.
This is a website which you can enter the domain name of any website. And then wait a second for the result. If the box below becomes blue, it's a safe site. If it's red, they are selling braindumps so avoid them. It's that simple.
By Georgina Stath: I am certified and still getting more under my belt. I've dedicated my website to giving you all the information that has helped me. Certification Help & Exam Help -You will find information such as Reviews of books and other products / free practice exams / certification questions and more