วันเสาร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Becoming A Handyman

Anyone who has the basic knowledge of household equipment and wants to make a career as a handyman can become a professional handyman by joining an appropriate apprenticeship program. The basic skills required to become a handyman include manual dexterity, eye-hand coordination, physical fitness, and a good sense of balance. Other skills include mathematical problem solving ability and good color vision, as handymen have to regularly identify different components by color.

An individual may have special training in trades such as electrical engineering or plumbing, but needs to learn and develop other skills such as house painting or automotive repair for becoming a professional handyman. It is important to have mechanical aptitude to become a handyman as most of the jobs rendered by handymen involve mechanical components and systems.
Individuals can enroll in vocational classes at a local college or training center where many professional handyman degrees can be earned in less than two years of study. Well-trained and experienced professionals teach in these organizations and provide practical insights and guidance related to handyman services. These courses combine theoretical as well as hands on training and require the candidates to pass building codes and certification examinations.

Candidates who do not want to join a certification course can enroll for mini handyman courses offered by local community education centers. These courses aim at making the candidates aware about different tools and equipment used for rendering handyman services. These may include different types of electrical tools and other common tools such as pliers, screwdrivers, knives, scissors, bolt cutters, cable cutters, and hammers.

It is important to follow safety guidelines and wear protective goggles and hardhats. Safety guidelines and procedures form a part of handyman training and apprenticeship. Refresher courses should regularly be organized for existing as well as fresher handymen for improving quality of services rendered and minimizing the number of accidents related to handyman services.

Handyman [http://www.z-Handyman.com] provides detailed information on Handyman, Handyman Services, Starting A Handyman Business, Handyman Tips and more. Handyman is affiliated with Home Remodeling.

วันศุกร์ที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Yoga Teacher Certification or Registration - Part 1

Lately, there has been a lot of confusion as to what credentials are needed to teach Yoga. There have been some recent changes within the certifying bodies who train Yoga teachers. Here are some of the most common questions and answers in regard to Yoga credentials and regulations.

Why should a Yoga teacher be certified? What about established Yoga teachers who don't have a diploma? What is the "right'' Yoga credential to have? When should I become a Registered Yoga teacher? Who regulates Yoga?

In many parts of the world Yoga teacher credentialing is a new phenomenon. Yoga teachers had very small groups of loyal students and Yoga was not a mainstream activity. This same lack of credentialing still occurs within Tai Chi and some of the Chinese martial arts. The belief among some traditional Yogis has been that credentials would lead to commercialization.

As Yoga became more popular the need for certification became clear. Yoga teachers should be certified for their own protection. With liability law suits being so popular these days, it would be prudent to have a Yoga teacher's diploma on your wall. Yoga is not considered to be as dangerous as some of the other activities in health clubs, but some Yoga classes can be surprisingly vigorous, to say the least.

With Yoga classes reaching every corner of the earth, some students are jumping off the couch and going straight into the nearest Yoga class, without asking questions. This is one very good reason why Yoga teachers should have a questionnaire for new Yoga students. A questionnaire will inform you of health conditions, ailments, history, fitness level, and if a Yoga student is pregnant.

This sudden popularity of Yoga also creates a less formal relationship between the student and his or her Yoga teacher. Yoga may be seen as something to do in order to lose a little weight before swim suit season. Many new students of Yoga are "just trying it out." The incentive may be a doctor referral, a magazine article, or a news segment on television.

Yoga teaching credentials make acquiring liability insurance much easier. Depending upon the activities within a studio, the liability insurance policy chosen could be for Yoga only or a sports liability policy similar to what a health club would carry. So the short answer to the question," Why should a Yoga teacher be certified?" It's all about liability and don't leave yourself uninsured. Yoga is a relatively safe pursuit, but you should still cover yourself.

© Copyright 2006 by Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher. http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/index.html

วันอังคารที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Pipeline Jobs - Welding Certification For a Pipeline Welder

Here are my 11 suggestions for getting a job as a pipeline welder:

  1. Spend several hours researching welding forums searching on terms like "pipeline jobs", "pipeline welding", and "pipeline welding certification test." You need to get a feel for the pipeline welding industry.

  2. If you still want to go for it, decide whether you want to joint a union or go the non-union route. (this is a subject for a whole article all by itself)

  3. If you want to be a union pipeline welder, contact the pipeliners local 798 in Tulsa,OK and let them guide you or change your mind.

  4. If you decide to go the non-union route, search job websites like monster and careerbuilder for terms such as "pipeline welder" or "pipeline welding."

  5. Learn the welding test requirements by hook or by crook. Call the test supervisor and learn the welding test criteria. Every contractor is likely to administer different welding tests. For example, some require the pipeline welder to cut,bevel, and weld a typical connection. It has been my experience that some weld test supervisors are just looking for a way to fail you. Other weld test supers will actually give tips and advice. Every job is different and there is no one single welding test that is the standard. That is just the way it is.

  6. Find a way to practice the test on mock ups that exactly represent what will be required. Practice enough to have confidence that you will be able to pass the welding test.

  7. Arrange a pipeline welding test date and show up early.

  8. Do not, I repeat ...Do not be cocky or arrogant. The test shop supervisor has you by the short hairs. This is the time to give him the respect he deserves as test shop supervisor and to say yes sir and no sir.

  9. Ask questions. For example, Can I use a grinder? Will you fail me for grinding too much? Do you need to inspect the fitup? root pass? hot pass? Learning what will fly and what will not is crucial to passing the welding test.

  10. Take your time unless there is a time limit. Relax and try not to be nervous. Keep all arc strikes and grinder marks within the bevel. Weld the joint or joints and chip brush and grind anything that needs it. (if allowed)

  11. Pray. You might want to do this one first.

Learn more about pipe welding and welding certification at http://www.weldingtipsandtricks.com/

วันเสาร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Path of Yoga Certification

What does it take to become a yoga instructor? You've practiced the positions and breathing techniques, almost every day, for years. You've gained a deeper understanding of the benefits of yoga and wish to share your knowledge with others. If you're willing to find a training program, the steps to yoga certification are simple.

Though the discipline has been popular for some time, yoga teacher training is far from standardized. Most training programs require that you have a minimum level of experience in yoga before being an instructor. Some require yoga postures (asanas), such as headstands. Others insist that you must be approved by the instructor who is training you. Some certification courses can be taken online or by correspondence.

Yoga is an ancient discipline that has traditionally been passed directly from teacher to student on a one-to-one basis. The idea of a class is relatively new. These days, the speed of information being exchanged, has changed everything including traditional forms of training.

Though there is no single "official" certification program, there are groups designed to keep the study organized. Usually, certifying bodies train an intern to become a Certified Yoga Teacher (CYT), after 200 hours of training. This credential alone is usually enough to begin teaching students in public yoga classes. If you are seeking more credentials, you may decide to train for a 500 hour credential or become a Registered Yoga Teacher.

In the United States, yoga registration is generally handled by the Yoga Alliance. The Yoga Alliance is recognized, within the industry, as a registration program that helps maintain the high standards of yoga. It has different levels of yoga registration.

The first program requires two hundred hours of training, and is sometimes a requirement for employment in a studio. There is also a five hundred hour program for those who want advanced registration. Finally, there are experienced levels of registration, which have the designation, E-RYT.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. http://www.aurawellnesscenter.com He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/index.html

วันพุธที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Find the Best EMT School For Your Certification Training

An EMT certification is available for each of the four progressive levels of EMT training. These are EMT 1 (Basic), EMT 2 and 3 (Intermediate) and EMT 4 (Paramedic).

Training EMT starts with the basic level, and entry of each of the following levels requires the completion of the previous one(s). The EMT certification program for the first level falls into three categories of training. The first category focuses on training for basic life support, such as performing CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation), Managing airways, treating for poisoning and shock, controlling accessible bleeding, etc. The second category focuses on familiarizing students with conditions that are not threatening to the patient's life, such as splinting, bandaging, delivering babies, or caring for the newborn. The third category of training includes the non-medical requirements that an emergency medical technician is expected to meet, such as proper extrication equipment and techniques, coping with medico legal problems, written and verbal communication skills, etc. Remember that training for EMT is not limited to the examples given above, as the EMT classes available can cover a lot more information, especially for the upper levels of EMT training.

The requirements for the EMT certification training program include possessing a high school diploma or GDE, being at least seventeen, and being fluent in English, written, spoken and read. Requirements may vary from one state to the next, and students may be required to be certified in CPR at certain medical institutions or associations at the time they start the EMT class.

NO one can be an active emergency medical technician before he or she has earned a certification. An EMT certification will be granted upon completion of a training program and a number of training hours on-site and successful passing of two exams, one written, and the other one practical.

The most important information that a future emergency medical technician receives is in the basic level, as this is the foundation for all the skills and knowledge that he or she will have and will learn how to put into practice. Your choice of EMT school should be a very informed one, because the training you receive is vitally important to getting an EMT certification and becoming an active emergency medical technician.

An eligible EMT school should be first of all state approved. If this college is not accredited, all your money was foolishly spent. Secondly, a good EMT school should provide you with various training materials, as required by the complexity of your future profession. Training should include classroom information, emergency room or ambulance training, textbooks, etc.

Once you have completed the training program provided by the EMT school of your choice, you will receive the documents that allow you to take the licensure examination. Assuming that you have learned most of what was presented to you both in class and on site, you will pass the state board exam and receive a license, meaning you can now start applying for EMT positions.

Holding an EMT certification comes with a series of employments opportunities, including working with hospital clinics and emergency departments, ambulance services, police and fire departments, or private industry. Become an EMT in only 14 days with Unitek College's nationally recognized program!

For more information please visit Nursing Training at Unitek College.

วันเสาร์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

What Are Certification Braindumps?

Certification braindumps will get you de-certified if you are caught. That is the main point to understand. What they are exactly, are stolen exam questions and answers. They get stolen by someone memorizing the material or they get stolen electronically or even captured by small device such as a cell phone with a built in camera (that's one of the reasons you aren't allowed to take your phone with you in the exam) and then sold. You can find these on websites (which I won't name because I don't want you going there. Action is already been taken to close them down).

Basically braindumps don't help out those that work in the IT industry. They only help the companies selling them by making them money. Not having the knowledge with the cert devaluates the cert for everyone.

In 2006 Microsoft went after companies selling these and won. And guess what these companies had to do? Hand over their list of 'customers'. Getting de-certified and banned from taking certifications for the rest of your life is not something that is only a myth. It actually happens.

But other than that, how do they know who cheated?

Vendors must protect their certifications, whether its Microsoft, Cisco or whoever. Getting caught cheating isn't only about getting caught 'red handed'. They have a team of forensic scientists that specialize in exams and education.

Then how can you buy practice exams which won't land you in hot water?

Become familiar with CertGuard.

This is a website which you can enter the domain name of any website. And then wait a second for the result. If the box below becomes blue, it's a safe site. If it's red, they are selling braindumps so avoid them. It's that simple.

By Georgina Stath: I am certified and still getting more under my belt. I've dedicated my website to giving you all the information that has helped me. Certification Help & Exam Help -You will find information such as Reviews of books and other products / free practice exams / certification questions and more

วันจันทร์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Structural Welding Certification Tests - Tips to Help You Pass

Structural welding certification tests are usually either 3/8" thick or 1" thick. Both thicknesses use a 1/4" thick backing strip and a 1/4" gap.

Unless you are lucky enough to be tested for a Fab shop, you will probably be required to weld 2 certification test plates, one in the vertical position (also known as the 3G position) and one in the overhead position (4G). When both vertical 3G and overhead 4G welding tests are passed, the welder is qualified for all positions.

The 1" thick test qualifies for unlimited thickness and the 3/8" thick welding certification plate test has a thickness limitation. Most people think the 3/8" is a bit easier.

Either way, there are a few things you can do that will improve your odds:

  • The gap is usually 1/4", use it. Don't try to close the gap, remember that the bevels are only 22.5 degrees. You need that 1/4" gap to get a 1/8" rod in there.

  • Clean the metal. That means the backing strip and both plates. Get all the mill scale off. Sure the stick will burn right through and sure you will not clean everything that well in the field but this is a test.

  • Either chip and brush on every tie in or light right back up while things are still hot...one or the other.

  • Keep all arc strikes within the bevel where they will be consumed with weld.

Ask the test shop supervisor what kind of things will fail you before the welding certification test begins. For example, how much grinding is allowed? What size rod is permitted on the root pass? Does he want to see the fit-up? It goes without saying that you need to have practiced before you even showed up. If it is allowed, get a piece of scrap metal and weld a little while to shake off the rust. Not off the metal, but off of you.

Try not to be nervous and focus.

Good luck Welder.

To read a very different perspective on welding certification along with plenty of welding tips and tricks read Jody Collier's page on Welding Certification and For TIG, MIG, STICK welding and a buttload of other stuff, visit http://www.weldingtipsandtricks.com/

วันศุกร์ที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Cisco CCNA Training

Perhaps you've heard about Cisco already, especially since they are the largest supplier of networking hardware and software such as security and router products. The company offers many job opportunities but before you become a member of Cisco, you will need to pass a certification exam. Of course, in order to prepare for the exam, you will need to undergo the Cisco CCNA training.

If you are looking to establish your credentials and expertise in networking, then a Cisco certification is what you need. Cisco CCNA training classes offered today covers different courses such as Cisco Data Center Training, Cisco Security Training, Cisco Network Management Training, Cisco Switching and Routing Training and many others.

Are you a fresh graduate? Even if you are, you can still undergo Cisco CCNA training because the training program caters to both fresher's and long time professionals in the IT industry. With a Cisco Certification, you can now brighten your future career prospects in different industries which are becoming technology oriented.

With more and more industries all over the world are transitioning to more process oriented organizations, the demand for IT professionals who has the skills to meet the new developments in technology. Cisco CCNA training courses are designed to address the need for more skilled IT professionals. These courses offer enough exposure so that you can find a career in other exciting industries such as fashion, law, healthcare, film production, editing and many others.

The first thing you need to do to get Cisco CCNA training is to choose a Cisco training center you want to join. There are several organizations on the internet which offers complete Cisco training courses so make sure you do your research and read the terms of the Cisco Career Trainings and Confidentiality Agreement. You need to know these because sometimes Cisco will prevent you from sharing the information you learn for their trainings. Cisco trainings will teach you a better understanding of the operations and functions of LAN, WAN, VPN, SAN and Cisco IOS fundamentals.

The great thing about Cisco CCNA training is that you get to test Cisco equipments. There are a lot of practice exams you will have to complete. Most of these exams are timed; hence you get to practice for the real certification exam.

Once you complete the Cisco CCNA training program, you are considered a Cisco Certified Network Associate. This will allow you to configure, install and operate LAN, WAN and dial services for both small and giant networks. Through Cisco training, you are now competent when it comes to IP, Serial, Ethernet, Frame relay, VLAN and access lists.

Through these trainings, even students can now have the necessary certifications and the knowledge to install, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot networks - important skills for a world dominated by internet technology.

If you want a brighter future for your career, then getting a Cisco CCNA training is necessary. With the sheer number of IT professionals today, standing out is so much easier if you have the best and the most up to date training available.

There are a lot of organizations offering Cisco CCNA training. Be with the most reliable institution, and improve your career. Visit http://www.cisco-certification.co.uk today!